Copyright: U.& B.Hallier, B.Fouilleux, A.Mouchet, J. Soukopova,
This catalogue is a work of people who dedicated a great part of their life to the Sahara. Through this rock art´s website we wish to share our knowledge.
Our Team

† Bernard Fouilleux
Former engineer in Astrophysics at the University of Grenoble, he discovered the Sahara during his first trip to Sudan in 1992. Since then he organised numerous rock-art trips to Libya, Algeria and Niger. Since his retirement in 2001 he organised at least 30 rock-art trips to the Sahara collecting around 15,000 of photographs.

† Ulrich Hallier
Former nuclear engineer he has been actively conducting rock-art research since 1982. He specializes in the earliest Central Saharan rock art in South Algeria, South Libya and North Niger. He organized numerous trips to the Djado mountains in Niger focusing on the roots and development of the Round Head rock art.